Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Hi All. Hope all is well this fine day! This posting is about how to add the things to my site that you see on the site:

1. Amazon. The scrolling widget at bottom is from Amazon. If you want it just go to and sign up as an associate (link at bottom of their home page). Once inside you can set up your astore and you can choose from a number of widgets.
2. Google Adsense. Go to their link (i have linkyfy'd it here). Sign up. I am still looking for a way to add a money making Google Adwords link to my blog).
3. Technocrati, RSS Feed and Digg will be the subjects of a later post.

I am looking for feedback on my site. I am using blogger, but at this stage I feel that I could do better with page layout if I had a custom template. One site I really like is

I see I have a really low reader count so I am still on a mission to get an effective way of driving traffic to this blog. ANY tips out there that really work?

Love to hear from any one. regards. Alan

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