Tuesday, January 1, 2008

There is no silver bullet

Happy New Year to all !!! May you have a good and prosperous New Year. I have just finished reading a book by John C Maxwell called "Failing Forward". I would really recommend this book to anyone. The bottom line is that if you want to succeed in life you have to master yourself and how you react to failure which I am afraid is inevitable in life, especially if you have the courage to venture new things. So how does that relate to this blog? Well the hard lesson I have learnt so far is that the internet gives people hope. It is true, it is a source of much information and if you can get the correct information you can use it to deal better with circumstances in your life than if you did not have such information. I have also been reading the Rich Dad/Poor Dad books and I would recommend buying all of them. That is what I have done. I live in Africa. In South Africa which is pretty westernised though we are behind in some aspects (like cheap broadband but it should improve in the run up to the FIFA world cup (2010)). Enough rambling.
I have decided that I will daily try to improve this site by adding content the value of which I hope to improve as I learn more. My reading and reaserach leads me to my latest reflection which is that it is quite a complex matter to get a blog that appeals to the reader both content wise and visually. Visually, I am still working on my site.

I also want to start featuring products and advertisements that will genuinely assist the reader in their efforts to establish profitable (but legitimate) businesses online using blogs. I have placed a RSS feed (burn your site at feedburner.com) on my site AND I must confess that I have set up a small budget on Google Adwords (so much for trying to attract traffic without spending a cent). I have purchased some key words around learning blogging and learning to use a blog to make money on the internet. So far I have spent just under $1 but made $0.00 on adsense.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Garg Unzola said...

Guy, I am Seffrikan too!
For some great blogging tips, try the gurus in the field:

John Chow has a free pdf that will get you up and running.

Tips I can give you:
1. Blog what you are passionate about.
2. Register at technorati, blogcatalog, mybloglog and blog flux. See my blog for the links to these. Each time you post, these ranking sites get pinged and your blog gets out there.
3. SEO - search engine optimisation. Problogger has a few topics on this. So does John Chow.
4. Comment, and be commented ;)